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Strategies for Busting Up Brain Fog Cleveland Clinic

Is there anything more discombobulating than menopause and brain fog, when your brain feels more like mush rather than the sharp and useful tool you’ve been used to? You are not the only one in menopause forgetting words, or why you’ve come into a room or lost focus mush brain during a particularly tough task at work. If you have cirrhosis, talk to a healthcare provider to find a treatment plan. Cirrhosis of the liver is a type of chronic liver disease most commonly caused by heavy alcohol use or hepatitis C, according to the CDC.

Why does my brain feel mushy?

Brain fog can be a symptom of a nutrient deficiency, sleep disorder, bacterial overgrowth from overconsumption of sugar, depression, or even a thyroid condition. Other common brain fog causes include eating too much and too often, inactivity, not getting enough sleep, chronic stress, and a poor diet.

Menopause and mental confusion is very real and it is surprisingly more common than you’d think in the earlier stages of menopause. When a person’s menstrual cycle ends permanently, they enter menopause. Brain fog may get worse during multiple sclerosis flares and can be exacerbated by heat on a hot day, in a hot room, or when you have a fever, Costello said. Any prescribed medication that acts on the central nervous system has the capacity to impair cognition.

Inflammatory causes of brain fog

Once calm again break the task down into small achievable steps. Many women find it’s harder to remember things during pregnancy. Carrying a baby can change your body in lots of ways, and chemicals released to protect and nourish your baby may bring on memory problems. As long as it’s not keeping you from functioning day-to-day you don’t need to worry. “It’s important to remember that there are lots of causes for brain fog,” says Lynne Shinto, N.D., M.P.H., a naturopath with expertise in neurology and women’s health at the OHSU Center for Women’s Health.

  • Your brain gets a burst of too much glucose, then too little.
  • The participants performed online tasks that measured their attention, memory, decision-making, time-estimation, and learning skills; the researchers also measured how isolated they were.
  • Mostly it feels like your head contains cotton candy where there once was dense intellectual nervous tissue.
  • Brain fog is the popular name for many cognitive symptoms during menopause, including forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, inability to think clearly or problem solve, and confusion.
  • It happens about a year after their last period, usually around age 50.

Taking just 15 minutes away from your work (to read, stretch, stare into space — whatever feels right) can help you reset and return with improved productivity. Same goes for trying to get things done when your brain’s feeling foggy. Even though you feel your concentration waning as you work, you don’t feel able to stop. You tell yourself a break would stall your progress and decide to power through instead.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Migraine episodes can also involve other symptoms, such as sensitivity to light and sound, mood changes, and brain fog. If you have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), you can feel dizzy, lightheaded, foggy or nervous and unable to concentrate. This is especially true in people with diabetes if their https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/what-is-the-life-expectancy-of-an-alcoholic/ body creates too much insulin. Sometimes, you can even experience low blood sugar levels after having a meal. In a cytokine storm, your body floods your bloodstream with inflammatory proteins called cytokines. These cytokines help target the virus, or foreign body, that’s causing trouble.

How do you get rid of brain fog with ADHD?

Exercise regularly

ADHD brain fog can make us feel tired and restless. Regular exercise will help you get more energy, reduce your stress levels and improve your focus. (6) Exercise can also help you sleep better, which improves your focus and clarity.

In this Forbes article, Mindpath Health’s Zishan Khan, MD, discusses the… Quickly attempt to understand why you might be feeling this way.Proceed with your task after having checked in with the present moment, incorporating the knowledge you gained from observing yourself. Remember to drink enough water and avoid drinking too much alcohol and caffeine each day or consuming them too close to bedtime as they can keep or wake you up.

Lack of focus

Once you identify the underlying cause, you can begin fixing the problem. You’ve spent a lot of time on the project, but it’s important, and you feel a little worried about it not turning out as well as you hope. So, you keep going over your work, double-checking and making sure everything’s as close to perfect as you can get it. Physical activity has plenty of benefits, so it may not surprise you to learn improved cognition is among them. When stressed, you might feel too tired to prepare balanced meals and turn to snacks or fast food instead.

Can water clear brain fog?

The brain needs water to function, and when there isn't enough, your cognitive abilities are compromised. Studies have found that dehydration is linked to impaired cognitive function and memory. Essentially, it makes it harder to concentrate, remember things and fight off brain fog.

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